Custom kiosks are unique display units that tie together functionality and design on a level beyond standard. They’re interesting to look at, to design and to build. Here’s the story behind four custom informational kiosk designs that had the stamp of individuality. Read their history to help you decide if you should consider a customized informational kiosk for your setting.
A Set of Kiosks to Show the Greats in Softball. No-glove softball was invented in 1887 in Chicago when some Yale and Harvard alumni wrapped up a boxing glove and began hitting it with a broomstick. Pretty innovative start to a new game. The 16-inch diameter was kept because then, no glove was needed to play—nothing but the ball and the bat—an important consideration in the Great Depression. The Softball Hall of Fame was built outside of Chicago to commemorate the invention of the game and the champs that rose to the ranks.
A unique set of 8 informational kiosks was needed for outside the museum to stand proudly displaying pictures of those inducted into the hall of fame. These kiosks, made of extruded aluminum, surround a large 3-foot softball display, “the Clincher,” and though the kiosks’ colors match that of the Clincher, the sharp, triangular lines of the kiosks give an eye-appealing contrast to the big sphere. These tall, proud kiosks and the grand ball stand beside the museum entrance, welcoming visitors and setting the tone for the great sport. Such an innovative sport needed innovative kiosks.
An Informational Kiosk to Resemble Blades of Prairie Grass. Illinois was once covered with tall slender prairie grasses—3 to 10 feet high. The big bluestem was the most prevalent type of grass and was so hardy that where it grew, the density of the plant prevented other grasses from growing. In 1989, it was passed by the state legislature that the big bluestem would be a state symbol for Illinois. A set of unique custom kiosks were later designed to resemble the hardy blades of this grass.
These informational kiosks were for a rest stop at the Mackinaw Dells Rest area outside of Peoria, Illinois, and held maps and information for travelers—at a location to welcome travelers to the state, provide rest, picnicking, playgrounds, and info. The unusual kiosks were built out of aluminum to be rust resistant and as hardy as the bluestem. The design was developed from an architect’s drawings to give them exactly the look they wanted in a customized informational kiosk—blades of Illinois prairie grass!
A Kiosk to match the architecture of nearby buildings. The city of Mesquite in Texas needed a set of unique kiosks. These were in a highly visible area and had to tie in with the slope of the roof of the nearby City Hall building. A 3 slope top and 3 legged kiosk, simple yet effective, was designed to match the pitch of the building roof and unify the surrounding architecture and the kiosks. This aesthetically designed kiosks also had an important function—to hold public notices, zoning violations, public hearings, bid results and others pertinent civic information. They were made of brushed aluminum and had a black Velcro fabric covered cork background to set off the display material. These unique informational kiosks were also highly functional and came with incorporated video monitors to keep citizens informed of other matters.
A Kiosk to Celebrate Open Space and Nature. McHenry County has over 25,000 acres of conservation land with woodlands, prairies, wetlands, ponds, creeks, and wooded areas crisscrossed with biking and hiking paths—an outdoor playground to many people. In the spring and summer, there are cyclists, hikers, runners and kayakers enjoying the open space. In the winter, snowmobilers and cross-country skiers make use of the trails.
A set of outdoor kiosks were needed to display upcoming events and to hold maps for the people enjoying the trails. The preserve district decided on a customized kiosk because it had to fit in with the philosophy of the conservation, compliment the outdoor habitat, and be weather resistant and tamper proof. A unique, galvanized steel kiosk was designed with a stone base and cedar wood trim on the top and sides.
How can you decide if you need a customized informational kiosk?’ Here are some questions to help you consider if this is the best option for you:
- What are you looking to display? Consider if the item(s) would display better in a customized kiosk.
- Do you need a monitor incorporated? We can provide the monitor or we can put mounting brackets in. This customization feature is popular with today’s public.
- Do you need an unusual size? If you need a kiosk that is larger than our standard sizing or must fit in a limited available space, customization should be considered.
- Does your display require an unusual shape? If you are trying to incorporate design features of nearby architecture, compliment the habitat or represent a specifics theme or image, consider customization.
- Does your kiosk location need custom mounting? There are different options for mounting, from post holes in the ground to base plates. Kiosks being placed in a paved area may require custom mounting options. Different mounting options affect the cost of the project.
- Does your kiosk require unusual lighting? Rear illumination, (typically fluorescent though LED’s are available), with transparencies, gives the most impact and grabs attention. It’s is more common for a full area if the whole panel will be there for a while. Perimeter lighting, from the top and sides, is a good selection if you’re using standard printed material, but not transparencies.
Custom informational kiosks should be considered if you have a unique setting or design requirement. If you can draw or, or describe it, we can build it for you.